Saturday, January 1, 2011


Nothing is more suitable than having "The Big Bang......Fireworks" to "JumpStart" as well as to "Celebrate" my First Post on this Blog.....on 1st January 2011, the First day of the brand new year.

Coincidentally, this is my first fireworks shoot "tester" and although there were setbacks threatening to stop me from shooting....I did overcame all odds and reach the " not so suitable " site 10 min from time...11.50pm 31st Dec. 2010.  Why did I say " Not so suitable" ??   Juz look at the pic..... 

It would have been ALOT nicer if the Fireworks was higher, thus shinning down on the
track. Compared to last year's fireworks, this year was a disappointment. Hopefully, I
will have another chance to try it out coming chinese New year.



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